Whole person health involves taking a holistic view of a person’s health and well-being that includes social, environmental, biological, and behavioral factors. A person-centered, integrated system of health that focuses on drivers of health beyond just the physical provides the US healthcare system the best opportunity to prevent disease, restore health, and optimize the health and well-being of our communities. Whole person health strengthens the traditional US healthcare system that prioritizes the physical factors of health that can be diagnosed and treated in clinical settings such as the bones, muscles, organs, nerves, and systems that impact the body’s day-to day functions.
Creating a system of health in the US that prioritizes a whole person health approach requires healthcare stakeholders to align on addressing the social, environmental, biological, and behavioral factors that drive health through the delivery of high quality, affordable, and equitable healthcare.
Join the Kentuckiana Health Collaborative at our 10th Annual Conference on September 18-19, 2024, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, KY to learn about the importance of whole person health and hear from thought leaders and experts on how we can implement a holistic approach to care. The conference will emphasize applying a whole person health approach on maternal health, mental health, and obesity – three high priority conditions for the US and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. These are also the KHC’s three strategic focus areas.